This is the public log of DeeDee 'dzyjak' Jackson, a fictional character. DeeDee lives and works aboard a space station which orbits Saturn, and sometimes he writes about it.


The Perfect Sandwich

Eddie and the guys were talking about how to make the perfect sandwich.

I know how.

  • Two slices of bread. Whole grain.
  • Mustard. The spicy yellow kind from Ceres station. My people make the best.
  • Mayo. I prefer the imitation stuff which is a bit sweeter.
  • Smoked ham. Yeah, yeah.... Vat protein.
  • Mozzarella. High tech vat protein.
  • Spread the sauces, apply the meat and cheese.
  • Take a bite the instant you fold the sandwich together. That is the moment when every sandwich is the perfect sandwich. Don't wait too long, or it's just another sandwich.

    My suggestion never ends the argument, but it works for me.

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