This is the public log of DeeDee 'dzyjak' Jackson, a fictional character. DeeDee lives and works aboard a space station which orbits Saturn, and sometimes he writes about it.


Mathematical Shell Game

I've never claimed to be the smartest guy around. Seriously, who wants to be THAT guy? Non claims aside, I'm not stupid, and I have a smart girl-friend. I recognize that I have a smart girl-friend, and I'm not threatened by it, so I guess that makes me smart in at least one way.

So why don't I understand the logic of engineers? I don't mean the logic which makes things work. I am confused by the way engineers think when it comes to solving problems. I seriously believe that if two engineers were trapped in a deadly situation with two different engineering solutions, they would die discussing it if a Station Tech weren't around to make the decision and possibly hand them tools.

Engineers are smart people, but very often I seem unable to lingo the gap, and I find confusion instead of the enlightenment I am seeking.

For example:

  • Tech: I have a two and a one, but the spec says it equals four. Do you know where I can find the other one?
  • Engineer: Where did you get the one?
  • Tech: It came with the spec.
  • Engineer: That's not a one. You need another two.
  • Tech: Ok. Where can I find another two?
  • Engineer: Why do you need a four?
  • Tech: It came with the spec.
  • Engineer: Ok. So you have a two and one. The spec calls for a three on that.

Which explains why Station Techs use One-tape to fix everything.

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