Cluster Bombs
I like to explore the meaning of things. I poke and pry and beam lights, and I either get bored and find something else to explore, or I figure it out and find something else.
"How many grapes are in a bunch?" Eddie asked.
"All of them," I said.
"I knew you'd say that."
"Then why'd you ask?"
"How many grapes are in a cluster?"
I shrugged.
"What if you pick the grapes? Is it still a cluster? Or a bunch?"
"It's a bunch of grapes, Eddie. A lot of them. Many grapes all in one place. Do you have a point, or are you practicing some arcane language theory to discuss with Governor Kelly?"
"So you wouldn't distinguish between a cluster and a bunch?" Eddie asked.
"I don't why I would," I said. "It's a random number of grapes, maybe ten, maybe a hundred. If you think it's important, give me a reason to make the distinction."
"I think a cluster is still part of a whole--all the grapes connected," Eddie said.
"Why do I care about this, Eddie?"
"It's not a bunch if they aren't connected."
"Why not, Eddie? If I say a bunch of psychos, or a cluster of people, you wouldn't expect them to be tied together with a vine. They are connected because of what they are--psychos and people. Why's it got to be different for grapes?"
"Rick has three of these--ice things--made up of eight slush bombs each. They're huge, and not really slush any more, and... he wants to call them 'cluster bombs,' only, they're going to break apart and...."
"And you got into an argument about the name," I said, guessing.
"It's a stupid name," Eddie said. "It'll scare people. They'll think the things are going to explode."
"I doubt it, but let's hope the Martian Republic believes that when the time comes," I said. "What was your idea, that it's so much better?"
"Submind Life Pods."
"Yeah," I said. "Sorry. I'm going to have to go with Rick on this one."