Crazy Doug's Bargain Retrofits
"Chuck is going to come off of his axis," I said, trying not to enjoy the thought. "You said you already spoke to Kelly?"
Doug nodded. "She asks only that we rename the place not after her."
"Put my parent's ship, the Lumpy Nickel, at the top of your list," I said. "And you only get one spoke. I already gave the other one to Curious."
"One spoke and four berths," Chuck said. "I figure two weeks on the lash-up so Submind can tie into the systems, then a slow tumble for two more weeks to aid rapid maturity. Maybe a two week shake down cruise to keep the columns even."
"I'm not kidding about Chuck," I said. "Ten chimp workers will not be easy to replace."
Doug grinned and said, "Chuck doesn't know how to speak chimp. They call him The Mass."
"Of course, he'll blame me," I said. "So I guess you don't have to worry too much."
"He thinks they are calling him Master."
"That's my joke," I said.
"Chimp is your native language."
"Probably. I'm not kidding about Chuck, Doug. He won't leave this one alone. He's as crazy about labor resources as you are about bargains."
Doug frowned at me for a minute. "I could give him a ship. I have three junkers worth fixing maybe. I'm going to experiment with design changes on existing hulls. He could have first pick."
"Maybe. Probably won't hurt anything. You might think about hiring out your crews. Chuck will have to deal with contractors sooner or later, and your sister almost has the treasury up to spin."
"Do you teach kids how to pick their noses too?" Doug asked.
"Sorry," I said, smiling. "I see a lot of weirdos from incoming ships, not to mention ice-busters and explosive females, and I really don't want Chuck haunting my office until I find him ten more environmental technicians to replace the ones I let get away."
Doug laughed and slapped my shoulder. "Don't you worry about it. By the time I'm done with Chuck, he'll believe it was his idea."
"Yeah?" I asked. "I guess it'll be entertaining either way."
Doug nodded.
"What are you going to call this Submind powered ship repair yard of yours?"
"Crazy Doug's Bargain Retrofits. What else?"